
What is a “Vampire Facial,” or PRP facial?

Authored by: Charlie Chen, M.D.

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

This treatment is a combination of microdermabrasion or microneedling followed by the application of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). PRP is the serum portion of the blood which contains platelets. The platelets are high in growth factors, which can help stimulate healthy skin cell activity. 

The process begins with a blood draw and then running the blood through a centrifuge to isolate the platelets. You'll then receive microneedling or microdermabrasion to prep and help improve penetration of the PRP. Once the platelets have been separated and the skin has been prepped, it is time to apply the PRP. Applying the PRP helps improve skin’s collagen and elasticity with its antioxidant and hydrating properties. 


PRP facial is great to prevent wrinkles and improve skin texture. It gives your skin an even tone and fresh appearance. It is great preventative option to keep your skin youthful, but it also can be used to help address current skin damage from the sun or gravity. 

Most people are great candidates for PRP facial, whether their goals are for preventative or restorative effects. However, if you have a history of blood disease, clotting or bleeding disorders, then PRP treatment may not be a safe option for you.

Dr. Chen is a board certified plastic surgeon who has years of experience performing PRP treatments. Please contact our office for a complimentary consultation to discuss if PRP treatments are right for you.